For example, the subject should be prepended by the phrase '[Alert]', if the From address contains '' AND if the computer's name, which the email is sent from, is ''. The powershell command below configures this:
New-TransportRule -Name 'My_transport_rule' -Comments 'My comment' -HeaderContainsMessageHeader 'Received' -HeaderContainsWords ' ' -FromAddressContainsWords '' -PrependSubject "[Alert] "
After the command has been executed the rule is active. It acts in the whole Exchange organization and is not restricted to a single server.
Please note that the argument for the parameter -HeaderContainsWords must contain the name, which the email program on the sender computer actually uses. If the new rule doesn't work as expected, look into the internet headers of a test e-mail and note the computer name, which is in the line Received.