Version 1.3.2 of Ex2010_MBDB_Info released
Again I've released a new version of the check. I've changed only the Windows plugin. Now the spaces in a mailbox database name are replaced by underscores. I hope this change would help all of you, who experienced problems with the plugin.
To update it's enough to download the new check package, install it in your check_mk instance by a command like this:
cmk -vP install Ex2010_MBDB_Info-1.3.2.mkp
and substitute the cmd file on your Exchange server by the Ex2010_MBDB_Info.ps1 file from the new package.
You can find the new version of the package at the known place at the check_mk plugin exchange site.
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Thursday, February 21, 2013
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Nice job... but caching would be nice.
$path="C:\Program Files (x86)\check_mk\plugins\exchange"
#Update ja oder nein
#Prüfung Pfad und Datei
If (Test-Path "$file")
$item = Get-Item $file;
If ($item.LastWriteTime –gt $DateiAlter)
$doUpdate = $False;
} else {
# Ordner vorhanden?
if ((Test-Path -path "$path") -ne $True)
$FolderPointer = New-Item "$path" -type directory;
if ($doUpdate)
If ([intptr]::size -eq 4) {
$powerShellDir = $powershelldir = "$env:Windir\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\V1.0\"
$dir = "& `"$env:ProgramFiles\Check_MK\plugins\Ex2010_MBDB_InfoMOD.ps1`""
$bytes = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($dir)
$encodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
Invoke-Command -command { & $powershelldir\powershell.exe -EncodedCommand $encodedCommand }
} Else {
echo "<<>>" >"$path\mdbinfo.txt"
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
$DBS = Get-MailboxDatabase -Status -Server (hostname)
$DBS | % { '{0,-10} {1,-20} {2, -6}' -f $" ", "_"), ($_.Databasesize -replace ',', ''-replace '^.*\((.*) bytes\)', '$1'), (Get-MailboxStatistics -Database $|where { $_.DisconnectReason -ne 'SoftDeleted' }).count }>>"$file" ;
# Datei ausgeben
$out = Get-content "$file"
echo $out
26 April, 2013 01:12Thank you for providing such needful solution! I'm sure many users are interested in this feature!
28 April, 2013 00:33Anonim
30 January, 2014 20:42I think I might have done something incorrectly. before the correct output in check_mk, I also get 3 UNKNOWN lines that look like this:
UNKN Ex2010_MBDB_Info #< MailBoxDB #
UNKNOWN - invalid output from agent or error in check implementation
UNKN Ex2010_MBDB_Info -1<I32 MailBoxDB NPercentComplete-1/I32I32
UNKNOWN - invalid output from agent or error in check implementation
Any ideas?
30 January, 2014 20:45Hey Anonymous,
please try the follwoing: execute "check_mk_agent.exe test" in the check_mk directory of the Exchange server, which mailbox databases are located on, and post the full output here.
06 February, 2014 22:20